Thirty years ago, before most leaders had even heard of executive coaching, Steve was pioneering a new approach to executive leadership development knitting together energizing hope, outside perspective, useful strategy and measured accountability. Steve brings wisdom to senior leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs who are making large dollar decisions that impact long years of life. Decisions like some of these:

Dilemmas: dissecting the challenges

  • I am launching a new venture

  • I have a tangled mess with business partners

  • I need to scale my business

  • I have to pull my business out of a valley or downward trend

  • I need to shift our customer base

  • I need to overhaul my leadership team and bring in some new talent

  • I am thinking of selling my company

: navigating the change

  •  I need to walk toward the deep dream of doing something different
  •  I need to transition out of day-to-day operations
  •  I need to transition the reins of the company to the next generation leader
  •  I need an exit strategy even though I just got in
  •  I need to strengthen, if not flip, my board of directors
  •  I need to recast how we go to market
  •  I need to get out of hub and spoke leadership

: recalibrating the priorities

  •  I need to simplify and slow down
  •  I need to re-align my family priorities
  •  I need to get my faith and work more tightly harnessed
  •  I need to figure out how to roll other passions into my life
  •  I need to get everyone on the team living up to the company values
  •  I need to align all the activity and energy of my company to the key objectives

: refreshing the skillsets

  •  I need a re-boot of my passion, direction and energy
  •  I need to upgrade my executive polish and skill-set
  •  I have a gap in my executive skillset
  •  I need to become a better delegator and leader builder
  •  I am in over my head and need some quick tutoring

Coaching should be practical and results-driven. It’s organic and driven by your agenda. It’s conversational and heavy on thinking. It’ll feel like a tough board meeting, a late-night conversation with a good friend, a day away to think deeply, a status reset meeting, and a creative brainstorming session. Fun, deep, exhausting, and challenging.

More than anything else, it is about having a trusted advisor standing by your side. Learn more about working with a Cornerstone coach here.

Strategy Labs


A Strategy Lab is a dedicated, deep-dive, strategic conversation with Dr. Stephen Graves that can either follow a personal or professional track, or a bit of both. The personal track is guided by Steve’s architecture of Voice, Center, Path and Toolbox and the business track is guided by his framework called Strategy 3.0. It is a more agile approach to handling disruptions, holding strategic line of sight and driving predictive outcomes. The goal of the 1Day is to allow you to pull out of the noise, pace and pressure of the day-to-day and to work “on” your life and career rather than just “in” it.

What does the 1-day look like?

Normally, a strategy lab is one day—6 to 12 hours with a whiteboard, laptops and no distractions. To make these labs the most effective, though, there will be a bit of customized pre-work for you and for us. We want to be able to hit the ground running in order to maximize the time.

Who is it for?

Whether you’re launching, scaling or pushing into 2.0 in your business, Strategy Lab is designed to help leaders effectively sort life and work. For some clients, they’re at a crossroads—facing a dilemma in direction and timing. For others, it is unraveling the bundle of swirling parts and options. For many, it’s clearing back the noise to find the fresh targets or uncover your passion to point your life and work toward. If you have big dollar decisions that will impact long years of life…don’t journey alone. A Strategy Lab/1day is built for you.

How much does it cost?

$10,000 + travel

Can I have more information?

For more information email Celeste at [email protected].